
Another type of Passenger Carrying Vehicle that are involved with is ex London taxis, these vehicles are becoming increasingly popular not only as investments or fun vehicles but as everyday transport.

There are many types and styles of "Black Cab" but all of them are renowned for their refusal to wear out, many have covered mileage's that no ordinary private car could hope to withstand.

The London Carriage Office, the authority in charge of London Taxis set a very high standard for taxi safety, many taxis therefore are retired from London service but are still well within the standards set for vehicles elsewhere.

As you can see London Taxis come in many different styles, colours and shapes. Please click on a thumbnail for a larger photo and then your back button to return here. (Photos courtesy of

Please be aware that some countries have placed restrictions on the import of vehicles with diesel engines, but please feel free to contact - as always the advice is free.

If you are fortunate enough to already own a London Bus and a London Taxi then you now need one of these
We can supply you with one as well.
